Introducing Stackby One

We, at Stackby, are taking one step at a time.

It's been over 3 years since we started, and the idea has always been to build a platform that empowers normal people to create their own software.

Today, we’ve gotten one-step closer by enabling more makers to create templates & share it with the world.

Launching Stackby One, a community for Makers (like you) to create your own workflows as Stackby templates and share it with the world.

7 easy steps to create your own template in Stackby

Step 1: Sign up on Stackby or Login if you’re already a user

Step 2: Create a stack (that you would like to share as a template)

Creating an Empty Stack 

Step 3: Click on ‘One’

Join Stackby One 

Step 4: Create your own profile

Stackby One Profile

Step 5: Choose your stack (template)

Click on Stack to Publish

Step 6: Choose a template photo, add the template description (include Links if you want to) and choose upto 3 categories to publish the template in.

Add Template Description 

Once you publish your template, we’ll get an automatic notification. In some cases, we’ll give you a quick feedback on how you can improve your template and then publish it to Stackby One.

Step 7: Share your awesome template with the world on social or your blogs and grow your own audience and following.

Stackby One Community

Watch the quick tutorial here:

Stackby One: Community for Makers

We’re giving access to an exclusive maker community, put you on a VIP list and give you an awesome surprise for the first 100 user generated templates!

If you’ve submitted the template already to publish, just fill this form so we can track your efforts and add you to our special list.

We want to allow everyone to be able to create, and it’s not possible without your support. So keep stacking, and submit a template to Stackby One today.