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Marketing Campaign Tracker Template

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Marketing Campaign Tracker Template
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Innovative, creative and eye-catching marketing campaigns are one of the key drivers of success for any venture. From social media marketing to interactive surveys, live videos to online advertisements, an effective and well-planned campaign management plan can change the face of your business overnight! And the easiest way to manage your campaigns is by using a marketing campaign tracker template.

What are the key essentials for any marketing campaign management plan?

  1. Set a goal for your marketing campaign.
  2. Decide on your target audience.
  3. Set a budget for your campaign planning strategy.
  4. Decide on a platform/channel.
  5. Organize your team and divide the work.
  6. Determine the content.
  7. Track your marketing campaigns diligently. This will help you analyze whether a particular strategy from your campaign management plan is working for you.
  8. Respond and Improve. Customer testimonials are first-hand inputs that will determine how your campaign planning strategy is being received by the target audience. Update the same when the need arises.

What is a Marketing Campaign Tracker Template?

A marketing campaign tracker template is a pre-formatted document that helps you to keep track of multiple aspects of your campaigns in an easier and accessible manner. This template is customizable and can be tailored to suit your requirement.

Why do you need a Marketing Campaign Tracker Template?

Whether you are campaigning to attract new customers, increase your sales, advertise a new offer or improve brand loyalty, a marketing campaign requires meticulous campaign planning and execution. A marketing campaign tracker template is the answer to all your problems!

A marketing campaign tracker template is a one-stop solution that keeps track of all your campaign planning work and helps you hit all the benchmarks to ensure that your marketing gets results.

Here at Stackby , we will assist you in launching your marketing campaign with our well planned and time-tested marketing campaign tracker template.

Who is marketing campaign tracker template for?

This template is ideally suited for marketers, SEO agencies, startups and SMEs. The campaign tracker template has immense utility potential for all sectors that perform marketing related activities.

How will Stackby’s Marketing Campaign Tracker Template help you?

You can set campaign goals, assign campaign leaders and divide your campaigns among various platforms. Our campaign management template will make your job easier by allowing you to:

  • Track the status of each of your marketing campaigns separately.
  • Check the amount spent on each campaign till date to make sure you do not overshoot your budget.
  • Keep track of the number of clicks.
  • Keep track of the number of conversions and conversion rates. It assigns a conversion status to each campaign. You can decide which platform and strategy are bringing the best results for your company.
  • Calculate your average CPA.
  • Set a start and end date for your marketing campaign.
  • Monitor and update your ad campaign management plan as and when required.

You can switch to the Kanban or calendar mode to get a better overview of your campaign plan and deadlines. Use Stackby’s Marketing Campaign Tracking Template to plan, manage, and enrich your marketing campaign management experience like never before!

You may also find these Templates useful:
Ad Campaign Planning
Facebook Ad Campaign
Marketing Asset Management
Email Marketing Calender
Social Media Calendar 

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