Trust & Security at Stackby

Protecting Customer Data is top most priority to Stackby. We take proper consideration in maintaining security and privacy posture of our the entire platform including infrastructure and data. Keeping trust of our users is of paramount importance and we continually look for ways to improve the security of the Stackby platform as we constantly innovate.

Security features in Stackby

Granular permissions on Workspaces, Stacks and even Individual Views to decide which member gets access to modify records.
Access restriction in Stackby Views through password protected share links or email domains
Row level revision history that shows all activities done or changes made on that record
Two factor authentication (2FA) on your Stackby Account if you're using password-based authentication.
SAML based Single Sign On (SSO) and additional administrative features for teams on Enterprise Plan.

Report an issue

If you believe you've discovered a security related issue, please join our Bug Bounty Program or contact us at

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