Stackby's Video Library

A collection of all Stackby videos to help you get started and adopt Stackby in minutes. Any use-case, really.



Creating a Database (Stack)

Learn about workspaces and stacks (databases) and see how you can organize your work.

Importing data & converting columns into different types

Import data from multiple apps (CSV, Excel, Google sheets, Trello etc.) and convert that into various column types, automatically.

Overview of Column Types

Get an overview of over 25 column types in Stackby and build your perfect application, your way.

Formulas and Calculations

Learn about different formulas & functions and see how you can do calculations in Stackby

Connect columns to an API + Data Explorer

Learn about how you can collect your column to over 40+ popular services (via APIs), bring data automatically in your tables and refresh cells to keep upto date.

Creating custom forms

Learn how you can create custom forms in Stackby, share it with anyone or embed on any page and collect responses directly in your tables.

Creating updatable forms

Not only bring responses from forms, learn how to create updatable forms to submit and/or update information via a form view.

Gallery view databases

Not only view data in a grid (table), learn how to create a custom gallery view to visualize your data in new ways.


Expanding a cell in Stackby

Quick tip: Expand a cell in Stackby, to see all the content of the cell.

Create linked (relational) tables from original table in Stackby

Learn how to build relationships across tables in Stackby. After all, it's a relational database.

Create linked rows from cells in Stackby

Learn how to create rows in a linked table, right from your cells.

How to integrate Slack in Stackby

Learn how to integrate with Slack to send real-time notifications, reminders, form submissions and more.

How to copy paste on cells in Stackby

Learn how to copy-paste on cells in Stackby to save time while working.

Pre-filling a Stackby form

Learn how to pre-fill a form and give information to user on how to fill the form.

How to use Summary bar

Learn how to use summary bar and get detailed information about columns.

Embed your database on any website

Learn how to embed a Stack on any website or a blog.

How to use duration column type

Learn to use Duration column type and track time on any row.

How to use look-up column type

Learn how to use Lookup column type and bring information from other table.

How to use Aggregate (Rollup) column type

Learn how to do aggregation (rollup) of linked records in Stackby.

How to create options directly from a cell

Learn how to create dropdown option (tags) directly from cell and same time.

How to save JSON data in a cell

Learn how to save JSON data in a cell from column level API integrations.

How to add checklists on each row

Learn how to add checklists on individual rows and get things done.

How to add reminders on each row

Learn how to add reminders on individual rows to keep team work on track.

Track activity history on each row

Learn how to track activity history on each row and see what's updated by your team.

How to see last refresh details on API column type

Learn how to see last refresh details on API column type to save your API calls.

@Mentions and comments on each row

Learn how you you can use @mentions & comment on rows to collaborate with your team.

Guide to many-many relationships

Understand how you can do one-one, one-many and many-many relationships in Stackby.

Automatically refresh API column type

Learn how to automate API column type and set automatic schedules to bring data in real-time.

Duplicate Views

Learn how to create duplicate a view and keep it in sync with your other views in the table.

View level sharing

Learn how to share only a particular view to anyone, in your team.

How to email records to anyone

Learn how to send rows via email to anyone

How to create database from templates

Learn how you can create stack from using the one of the 100s of pre-built templates.


Plan, manage and track email campaigns

Learn how you can plan, manage and track email campaigns, featuring MailChimp API.

Track your SEO metrics & Run SEO Audit

Learn how you can track your SEO metrics using Moz API and run SEO audit directly with Google PageSpeed API.

Create Custom Google Analytics Dashboard

Learn how you can create custom google analytics dashboard using Google Analytics API.

Manage your Video Production and Video Reporting

Learn how you can manage your video production and YouTube video reporting using YouTube API.

Create Content Calendar & track social sharing

Learn how to create a content calendar and track your content's social sharing analytics using SharedCount API

Build custom SEO tracker

Learn how to track SEO metrics - backlinks, keywords ranks, and other SEO details automatically using Ahrefs API.

YouTube Channel Reporting

Learn how you can track YouTube channel reporting using YouTube API.

Automate your Lead Generation

Learn how to build and automate your lead lists in Stackby using Hunter and Clearbit APIs.

Manage your Facebook Ads

Learn how you can manage your end to end Facebook Ad campaigns using Facebook Ads API.

What will you stack by?

Stackby can be used for free with teams of any size. We also offer paid plans, with additional features, storage and automations.