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Google Adwords Reporting Template By Stackby Templates

Google Adwords Reporting

Stackby’s Google Adwords Reporting template automates creating Adwords reports for your clients or team. You can add all important metrics from your Google Adwords Account like CTR, CPM, CTC, Conversions, etc. and create a customized report of your campaigns’ performance.  What is Google Adwords? Google AdWords is also known as Google Ads. It is an advertising system run and managed by Google and used by companies across the globe. It allows advertisers to display their ads on the results page of Google’s search engine. It follows the pay-per-click methodology where the companies are asked to pay for Google’s advertising service only if and when a visitor clicks on the ad displayed by them.  It is one of the largest advertising platforms in the world today. Due to its wide reach and global presence, it is highly sought-after by companies looking to market their product to a large audience or customer base. It helps you track important marketing metrics such as:  Clicks Impressions CTR Average CPC Average Position Click Conversion Rate, etc.  What’s included in Google Adwords Report Template? Get Your Click Performance Report Monitor Google Adwords Impressions metric and measure how many times your content gets displayed to your audience. Tracking Google Adwords impressions will help you enhance your advertisement campaigns in a better way.  Know more About Your Campaign Performance KPIs like Click, CPC, CTC, Conversions, and Cost help you measure your Google Ad campaign. With Google Adwords Template, you can keep track of these KPIs in real-time and monitor the changes.  Stackby’s Google Adwords Reporting Template includes an integrated Google Adwords API that helps you fetch the required data for every Google Adwords campaign based on View ID. With this template, you can:  Get a monthly overview of the ad campaign  Track important advertising KPIs like  Cost,  Impressions,  Clicks,  CTR,  CPM,  CPC,  CostPerConversion,  RPC,  costPerGoalConversion,  costPerTransaction, etc.  Why Use Google Adwords Reporting for your Business? If you are utilizing digital marketing, Google Ads must be a critical part of your marketing campaigns. This is why you need a clear, easy to understand, simple, real-time report for Google Adwords data. It is true that you can easily access Google Adwords data from your Adwords account but sharing that data with your clients or your team members is not easy.  Stackby’s Google Adwords Reporting template presents all the important data related to your marketing campaigns without overwhelming the reader. This is beneficial especially if you are sending data to your client, who has no idea about the ins and outs of digital marketing or Google Adwords.  How to Use Google Adwords Reporting Template? Step 1: You must decide which marketing KPIs are crucial for your business or your client. Common KPIs used in Google Ad Reports are impressions, clicks, click-through rate, conversions, conversion rate, cost per conversion and cost per click.  Step 2: You can copy this template to your Stackby Workspace. You need to integrate Google Adwords API with your Workspace using the Adwords API Key. You must also copy all the view IDs from your Google Adwords account and paste them in the respective column.  Step 3: The Adwords API column is already present in the template, you just have to select your API key in the column property and it will fetch all the ad campaign data from the Adwords account.  Step 4: Click on the data icon present in any row of the Adwords API column. It will open the JSON data explorer from which you can choose which KPI you need to include in the report (as a separate column). You can add or remove columns based on your preferences.  How to Automate your Google Adwords Reporting Template? Stackby allows you to create time-triggered automation to fetch real-time data into the respective columns of your Adwords report. To create your automation: Click on the clock icon next to the name of your API column Set the day and time of the automation and schedule it  Now, it will automatically update your report based on the schedule of the automation.  Watch: Time-triggered automation in API column  Other automation-enables templates to try: Google Analytics Report Template  SEO Keyword Tracker Template  On-page SEO Reporting Template 
Google Analytics Report Template By Stackby Templates

Google Analytics Report

Google analytics report is an essential tool for digital marketers these days as it clearly indicates what is working for your business/your clients and what needs some tweaking. But, analyzing hundreds of Google Analytics metrics is impossible for a marketing team.  So, you can use a Google Analytics template to track only the most important KPIs for your business. Stackby’s automated Google Sheets Analytics report template takes away all the hassle of reporting and helps you track the KPIs on its own, without the need of entering numbers manually.  With our Google Analytics reporting template, you can combine all your Google Analytics data (Universal Analytics and GA4) from all other marketing channels so that you can identify how your marketing strategies are performing. What is Included in Stackby’s Google Analytics Report Template? Stackby’s Google Analytics Report template allows you to track the User data, Sessions data, and Traffic data from all your marketing channels based on the View ID. It includes three API Columns that let you connect with your Google Analytics Account using an API key.  Users API column: Enables you to get users by View ID Traffic API column: Enables you to get traffic by View ID Sessions API column: Enables you to get sessions by View ID Bring Data in Real-Time from your Google Analytics Account to Stackby  You can use the API columns to bring data in real-time to your Stackby table. You can also schedule automation that will bring in data on the specified day and time. Here’s a short video that can help you create time-triggered automation –  Include Important KPIs in Your Report Google analytics report template also includes a JSON data explorer that allows you to choose which data you want to showcase in the report.  Different Views for Different KPIs Manage your Users, Traffic, and Sessions Data separately in different Views with our Google Analytics Report template.  Reporting Controls: This view includes a brief summary of all the main Google Analytics metrics like the percentage of new sessions, new users, sessions per user, etc.  Users and Traffic: This view includes User data from Google Analytics such as the percentage of new sessions, new users, sessions per user, etc.  Sessions: This view includes all the metrics related to sessions such as hits, sessions, average session duration, bounces, bounce rate, etc.  Monthly Cards: This view gives you an overview of the top Google Analytics metrics in the form of cards that are easy to understand.  Share Google Analytics Report with your Clients Easily Stackby not only provides you with a centralized platform where you can collect all KPIs from different marketing channels but it also provides you with a collaborative platform where you can collaborate with your team or your clients and share real-time reports with them using the individual view share links on your toolbar.  Why is it essential to use Google Analytics? Unlike several digital analytics services, Google Analytics is available free of cost! Let’s see why it’s so important to sign up for this service. Reports website metrics, including page views, pages per visit, bounce rate, average time on site, and new visits. Helps you understand which channels have directed the most traffic to your website. Gives you an idea of the most common keywords used to access your website.  Allows you to track if a user completes a specific action on your website, that is, the website’s conversion rate. Monitors which users mostly use devices to access your website. Analyses your website content and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Helps you understand which strategies are working and bringing the maximum returns. Combined with easy access and a user-friendly interface, Google Analytics has become the go-to tool for users worldwide! Other SEO Templates from Stackby: On-page SEO Reporting Template  SEO Backlink Analysis Template  Google Search Console Reporting Template  Google E-Commerce Reporting Template 
Facebook Ads Campaign Template By Stackby Templates

Facebook Ad Campaigns

Running Facebook ad campaigns has been proven to be very effective with high conversion rates of leads into customers. However, running Facebook campaigns can be highly stressful as well. This is why a Facebook Ad Campaign Template is integral for any business. An easy way to manage multiple campaigns and their unending details is to use Facebook ad templates. Why do you need a Facebook Ad Campaigns template? Facebook campaigns can be equal parts stressful and equal parts rewarding. Managing all the little details along with tracking different KPIs and campaign metrics can prove to be a little too much to handle. An easy way to do this is to have all of your information at one place and categorize it in a way that you can access it whenever you want. Facebook ad templates are a perfect fit for your requirements! You can easily plan and manage your Facebook ad campaigns; along with tracking your campaign metrics in real-time with a Facebook campaign management template. What is Included in Facebook Ads Campaign Planning Template? The template helps you keep a track of Facebook Ads, Accounts, Campaigns, and Adsets. It includes Facebook Ads API that helps you bring – Facebook Ads data for different campaigns based on Ad IDs Facebook Accounts data based on different Account IDs Facebook Campaigns data based on different Campaign IDs Facebook Adsets data based on different Adset IDs Ads Table: This table stores all the important KPIs related to Facebook Ads such as:  CPM CPC Unique Clicks Ad Text Assets Status  Ad Header Status of Ad (Active, Inactive, Preparing) Due Date Campaigns  Leads, etc.  Accounts: This table stores all the important KPIs related to your Facebook Ad Accounts such as CPC, spending, CTR, Clicks, and impressions, and also enables you to bring the Ad Ids.  Campaigns: This table stores all the data and important metrics related to your Facebook Ad Campaigns such as Ads, Adsets, CPM, CPC, Date of Starting, Date of Stopping, Clicks, Impressions, etc.  Adsets: This table stores all the data related to Facebook Adsets such as budget, total ads in an adset, location, target audience, age of target audience, start date, CPM, impressions, CPC, spending, and clicks.  Track Facebook Ads based on their Status Stackby’s Facebook Ads planning template includes a Kanban view that helps you visualize all your Facebook Ads based on their status, that is, active, preparing, inactive, closed, etc.  Track different Ad Campaigns based on their Start Date The Facebook Ads Campaign template also includes a Calendar view that helps you visualize the different starting points of your ad campaigns.  Read more: Customizing your Stack using different Layouts (Views) Create a Facebook Ads Reporting Tool and Share it with your Clients/Team If you want to track the important KPIs of different Facebook Ads run by your team, our Facebook Ads Campaign Template makes it possible for you. It includes an Ads Reporting view that enables you to track all the important KPIs related to Facebook Ads such as:  CPC Starting date Stopping date CPM Unique Clicks Number of Clicks, etc.  Schedule API with Automatic Time-Triggers No need to manually update your Facebook Ads tracker. Just click on the clock icon beside the name of your API column and set the day and time of automation that will fetch the data from your Facebook Ads account and add it automatically to the respective columns.  Watch: How to set up time-triggered automation for the API column type  How to Create an Effective Facebook Ads Campaign 1. Identify your target personas: You must create a persona for your ideal customer that will help you understand their pain points, interests, and preferences and provide ads that would appeal to them.  2. Brainstorm: Once you know your audience, you can now search on Google and other online resources to find out what kind of ads you can create.  3. Choose your bait: This is when you create compelling content that would trigger your audience to buy your product/service. You can use power words, action words, storytelling, etc. to create your Facebook ad campaign.  4. Design creatives: Powerful words, combined with incredible designs make a perfect Facebook ad campaign. So the last step is to work on ad creatives.  How to Use Facebook Ad Campaign Template? Copy this template to your Stackby workspace. Make sure you have integrated Facebook Ads API to your Workspace using the API key.  Bring your Facebook Ads Data to Stacky using API columns based on respective IDs.  Enter data such as ad assets, ad headers, and ad text, and log the status of each ad.   Categorize your campaigns and paste the links of the ads that are running under that campaign. Track the most important KPIs of different Facebook Ads Campaigns in one place using our JSON data explorer.  Schedule data fetch using time-triggered automation and bring data in real-time to your tables.  Watch: How to use JSON Data Explorer in Stackby  A well-designed facebook campaign might get hectic to manage, but with this Facebook Campaign template - you can efficiently manage and track your Facebook ad campaigns in a single place. Collaborate & share with your team or clients, and get the most bang for the buck. Automate your Facebook ad metrics tracking , and focus on building awes ome ads with the Facebook Ad Campaigns Template.. Check out this awesome tutorial video to learn how to manage your Facebook ads.   Other automation enabled Stackby templates: Google Analytics Report Template  On-page SEO Reporting Template  SEO Backlink Analysis Template  Facebook Posts Tracker Template 
Plan out your business expenses with this expense tracker from Stackby Templates

Expense Tracking

Whether you live by yourself or run a business, managing all your expenses and spending the right amount of money on the right things can become quite hectic to figure out. It would help if you kept a rein on your expenses using an expense tracker template. That’s where Stackby’s Expense Tracking Template comes in. As a business owner, you must have all relevant information handy about what and how much your business is incurring in the form of expenses and what changes need to be made. Managing expenses can be a difficult task, be it business-related or your own personal expenditure. Use this Expense Tracker Template to keep a check on all your business expenses and customize it according to your needs. From planning spends to managing invoice payments, track all pertinent details from one location. How does Expense Tracking benefit your business? Tracking business Expenses can help in business in the following ways Better Money Management If you are a student or someone who spends a lot of money and fails to achieve their savings goal or splurge in general – this can be a good thing for you. Getting better at money management means getting financially stronger! From another perspective, if you are a business owner, it is crucial that you have full knowledge about your expenses for the whole year and not just at the end of the financial year or during the tax month. Always be prepared during the Tax season Having a thorough knowledge of the expenses will help you know in advance which expenses are tax-deductible. You can calculate that amount on a prior basis. Makes business forecasting easier When you are keeping track of your expenses, you will find it easier to forecast how much profit the business will earn or at least have an idea. You can plan the activities for the next financial year and expenses accordingly. It will also come in handy when you have your investor meetings and will help you plan effective business strategies. Why would you need an Expense Tracking Template? To keep track of all the expenses done by you individually; or incurred in your business. To plan the inflows and outflows of the money. To save your time and improve your productivity. How would Stackby’s Expense Tracking Template help you? Stackby’s Expense Tracking Template is quite simple to use. You do not need to be a professional or have any coding or accounting experience. All you must do is put all the expenses on a column and other information on different columns. There are different columns from all kinds of information such as category, price, date, name of the vendor, etc. The expense tracking template can also be used by businesses in any industry and is completely customizable according to your needs. Check Out Other related Teplates : Legal Matter Management Product Catalog Visitor Management System Asset TrackerLegal Case Management  
User Feedback Tracker Template By Stackby Templates

User Feedback Tracker

A company or any seller whose main motive is to earn a profit understands the importance of user feedback. User feedback plays an important role in understanding and getting an idea about the user’s perspective and likings. Our User Feedback Tracker Template is designed specifically for such companies. Feedbacks are not limited to small numbers. With the vast amount of feedback coming daily from different people or communities, it becomes a frenzied task to manage and analyze them all at the same time. A user feedback tracker template comes to your rescue in this scenario. It will enable you to list all the users and their feedback and manage them all in one place.  Why do we need a User Feedback Tracker? Listening to users and asking for their opinions is the best way to make them realize that they are important and that their opinion matters. There are certain benefits that user feedback provides. Those are: It makes you aware of your product and what improvements need to be done. Listening to customer feedback makes them feel important and involved. World of mouth is especially important for marketing, and good feedback generates personal recommendations. It helps you convince the customers to come back for more.  It helps you to especially investigate the negative feedback and try to rectify the problem. It makes a good impact on the customers that their opinion is valued. It creates brand loyalty. User feedback has been a part of the marketing strategy for decades. It is crucial to know what your customers think about your brand or product. A user feedback tracker will help you organize all this feedback systematically and give you the ease of looking into the data wherever and whenever needed. How will Stackby’s User Feedback Tracker template help you? Tracking and managing all the feedback separately can be a bit hectic. Stackby’s user feedback tracker template is the key to efficiently manage and track all the feedback in one place and categorize them according to your own wish. Use this all-in-one feedback tracker to do surveys and collect feedback forms from your internal and external clients. You can do any kind of survey with this template. It is also completely customizable. You can categorize the data the way you want and customize it according to your needs. Need to add in a few more questions? Feel free to do that in a separate column. It is free and quite easy to use. Just make an account on Stackby or use an existing one if you have, and you are good to go. Track your user feedback easily and use them to analyze the performance of your product with the help of our User Feedback Tracker Template.Checkout other related Templates :Sprint Planning User Research
Video Production Planning and Tracking Template By Stackby Templates

Video Production Planning and Tracking

How Stackby's Video Production Planning and Tracking Template will help ? If you are given a choice between reading a long-winded description of a product or watching a YouTube video on the same, there is a high probability that you will choose the latter.  Videos allow an individual to express their ideas and a company to showcase their products in a visual, interactive, and engaging format. Videos are easy to understand and drive traffic to your company’s website. They are easily searchable and allow companies to showcase their products uniquely. You can reach a wider audience with a YouTube channel’s help and analyse the performance of these videos via YouTube metrics. However, planning and producing a video is not a simple endeavour. From the type of video, the video content to its budget allocation, video production planning requires careful consideration of several factors. After the video has been produced and uploaded, its performance needs to be analysed as well in order to understand if the video production’s current strategy is working. YouTube metrics such as the number of views, likes, dislikes, comments, etc. give creators an idea about the video’s overall impact. However, planning the production of a video and tracking video metrics is a herculean task which requires a great deal of acute planning and management. With multiple videos and a wide range of metrics data, tracking everything can be quite a handful.  Well, don’t worry! Stackby is here with a solution for you! We have created a video production template for you! Whether you run your own YouTube channel or a video production agency, this template is the perfect partner for video production activities. Here’s how you can use the template to streamline your production process and monitor YouTube video metrics in a single place. The template allows you to: Record the details of all the videos on a single platform. Store the details of the brand concerning each video. Record the type of each video in the list. It can be a trailer, snippet, etc. Collaborate with your video production team to manage the process end-to-end.  Add the title of the video to the template itself.  Record the duration of the video in the video production planning template. Maintain and update the details as and when required. The template can also be viewed in Kanban style which will help you to get clearer and quicker access to multiple information about a certain video. You can also use the video production template to track the video metrics and manage video reporting in the same place.  All you have to do is integrate a column with YouTube API. This will allow you to pull in metrics data directly to the corresponding row. You can choose which information you want to look at, and refer to it anytime to get the latest data. You can track and monitor the number of likes, dislikes, views, comments, etc. and even bring title, description, video tags and more. This API can be scheduled for auto-updation which allows you to kick back and assess YouTube performance in real-time If you're a video production team or running a YouTube channel, the Video Production Planning & Tracking template is a must have to ensure smooth workflows. Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Advertise Agency workflow process Template Video Production ManagementIn-house video ProductionDigital Video Production Social Media Calendar 
B2B Lead Generation Template By Stackby Templates

B2B Lead Generation

The marketing world in a dynamic arena that is constantly changing every minute. With technology becoming an integral part of our everyday routine, companies have increased their focus on online marketing. Companies are likely to spend more than 90 percent of their marketing budget on digital strategies in the coming years. With new strategies and avenues taking over the online marketing arena, is email marketing still relevant?  The answer is yes! And so is our B2B Lead Generation Template. It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use marketing strategy that continues to be relevant even today. It allows you to send personalized content to potential clients and increases your brand awareness. With a click rate six times greater than that of tweets, emails help drive your website traffic.  What is the most critical aspect of planning & executing an effective B2B lead generation campaign? The email lead list! Without a well-maintained database of email addresses, how will you conduct an email campaign? Gathering and collecting maximum potential customers’ email addresses will increase the scope and extent of your marketing strategy. Email lists allow you to segregate and focus on individuals who are most likely to show an interest in your product. It is also essential to make sure that your email lead list has been verified and checked to eliminate any defunct email addresses. How to create an email list? With the help of Hunter Email Finder, you can generate the most extensive email list ever! Hunter Email Finder is one of the most accurate and widely used tools today. Facing difficulty keeping track of all your generated leads? The days of going through multiple scattered databases for your email campaign are over! Stackby has developed its own Lead List Builder Template. You can now store and update all your lead lists on one platform using the B2B Lead Generation Template. The Lead List Builder Template will allow you to import all your data from Hunter Email Finder API directly to your template. The entire process is automated, and you don’t have to do the same work manually anymore. Using our B2B Lead generation template, you can: Automatically bring email IDs from your leads using Hunter email finder API.  Store your target lead list generated using Hunter email finder. Record the details concerning each company URL Check whether a particular email address has been verified or not. Track the deliverability of each email address. Record the confidence score of the email addresses. Check if the given address is deliverable or risky. Assign a reach status to each email (Yes/ No). Track the total emails available for a particular company in the Hunter database. Check whether they belong to the executive, marketing, or HR category. Keep your lead list current and updated. Stackby’s Lead List Builder Template is a one-stop solution to all your email campaigning problems! Check out this quick use-case video on how you can automate your email lead lists and build your B2B lead generation process. Check out More Related Templated :Google Search Console Report Google Analytics Report Facebook Ad Campaign
Elevate project management with the project tracker template. Templates

Project Tracker

Looking for a surefire method to ensure that your projects are completed and delivered to your clients on time? Do you want all your teams to communicate and collaborate seamlessly? Or do you want to improve project scheduling and enhance task management? The answer to all your questions lies in project management and our project tracker template is the perfect tool to help you through it. What is project management? The process of planning, organizing, and managing multiple tasks to finish a project successfully and within the given deadline is called project management. Every project needs a structure and plan. The length and complexity of this plan will depend on the nature of the particular project. Put in simple terms, the stages of such a plan include: Understanding the client’s needs to set project goals and objectives. Breaking down the project into individual tasks, assigning team members, allocating budget, and setting deadlines. Working on the tasks according to the plan that has been formulated. Tracking the work progress regularly and analyzing if it is per the original plan. Finish and deliver the project and secure the client’s approval. Without project management, the entire process would be chaotic and challenging to handle. With multiple projects from different clients, keeping track of the status of each one can be quite a hassle. That’s why Stackby is here to help you out. With our custom-made Project Tracker Template, you can rest assured that all your projects will be done on time and meet the client’s expectations. Using Stackby’s Project Tracker Template, you will be able to: Manage all your projects in one place. Add notes to each project to get a more comprehensive understanding. Check the category each project belongs to (Branding/ Digital/ Content/ etc.). Record the clients who have assigned each project. Assign a team leader to each project to enhance accountability. Track the team members responsible for each project. Attach the project files to the project tracker template to provide easy access to all teams. Monitor the start date and the due date for the project to ensure that it is turned in within the deadline given. Record the tasks due to each project. Track the current status of each task (To Do/ Doing/ Done) Monitor the total number of days spent working on each project. Record the details of each client that has collaborated with your company. Store contact details of your clients to avoid any communication gaps. Check if each task has been completed or not, and monitor the due date of the same. Monitor and update your project and task details in the project tracker template as and when required. Regardless of the size and nature of your business, with our Project Tracker Template, you can track your projects from start to finish with minimum effort and maximize your growth and revenue!Check out more related TemplatesBug Tracker Project Tracker Project Portfolio Management Project Resource Management  
Organize and strategize better with this social media calendar template Templates

Social Media Calendar

Do you know what the key to a great social media marketing strategy is? It is how you plan and organize it. No matter how well you know your audience, gauge your competition, or create compelling content, if you have not planned your tasks well, all your efforts are in vain. Here is a Social Media Calendar Template that will help you align your social media tasks and track how your social media posts are performing. 1. Track: Keep a track of what’s working for your social media channels and what’s not. Keep up with your quality and consistency using a social media calendar template. 2. Regularise: Prevent yourself from posting too much or too little on social media and never miss a post date again. 3. Manage: Administer all your social media channels from a single social media calendar template and ensure that you are not spamming one social media network and neglecting others. 4. Research: Never post a poorly structured or poorly researched post again. Check spellings, grammar, and punchlines instantly. What is a Social Media Calendar? A social media calendar is an overview of your upcoming social media posts. Some common elements of a social media calendar are: Date and time of when your post is going live Social media channels on which the post will be published Creative assets related to your social media post like images, videos, etc. Links, tags, or keywords included in the post Important metrics related to your social media posts Why use a Social Media Calendar? A social media calendar is a time-saving option. It helps you visualize the big picture and manage all your social media channels in one place. You can plan ahead and avoid multitasking. You can keep track of all the upcoming relevant moments and plan your posts accordingly. Last, but not least, you can create high-quality content every time and find out what’s working for you and what’s not. Our social media calendar template is designed to help you leverage all these benefits. If you are just beginning with creating a social media presence, you can also try our Social Media Planning and Design Template. How to create a social media calendar? Before you switch to using our pre-built social media calendar template, we want to share a few tips on how you can create a social media calendar. 1. Measure your current social media efforts Start with setting up clear goals for your social media channels. Make sure you understand your audience, their demographics, and personas. Track your most successful posts and social media tactics. 2. Select your social media channels Which social media channels do you want to monitor? Review the best marketing strategies associated with each channel. 3. Decide what data you need to track Here are a few examples: post title, graphics, type of post, concept, channels, publish date, number likes, impressions, engagements, spendings, etc. 4. Create a workflow You must decide a few things like how often you want to post on each channel, the best time to post on each channel, team members responsible for posts, the process of brainstorming new content, and so on. 5. Collaborate with your team Once you have planned what you need to do and how it is time to bring all your team members to one platform. Stackby’s social media calendar template makes connecting and collaboration much easier. Stackby also provides security and permissions features that will help you keep your data safe and secure and ensure that only authorized people can access it. Who can use our Social Media Calendar Template? A social media calendar template is generally used by social media managers and teams. However, Stackby’s social media calendar template can be used by: Marketing teams who are managing different social media campaigns, Agencies who are working with multiple clients for social media management, Media organizations working to promote social media accounts of their clients, Bloggers who manage their social media channels, Business owners, social media influencers, and more! How will Stackby’s Social Media Calendar Template Help You? Our social media calendar template is designed to simplify the whole process of social media management. It helps you streamline your workflow in the following ways: Manage all your social media posts on one platform Store the images and graphics related to every post Monitor the type of posts you create for every social media channel (paid campaign, organic, evergreen content, etc) Track the leads associated with every social media post Track the status and publish date of social media posts Manage all your social media channels on one platform (number of posts, post titles, likes, etc) Track social media metrics related to every channel (likes, shares or retweets, impressions, engagements, engagement rates, spendings, cost per engagement, etc) Brainstorm social media post ideas with your team No matter what your Social Media strategy is, the Stackby Social Media Management Stack helps you manage social media campaigns easily. You can also use our YouTube Channel Analytics, Facebook Posts Tracker, Twitter Posts Tracker, and LinkedIn Ads Tracker Templates to manage your social media channels individually. Check out Other Related Templates :Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender Restaurant Social Marketing Calendar Competitor Analysis   
Conference Planning Template By Stackby Templates

Conference Planning

Are you planning to organize a conference for your company? Well, you must have a million questions racing through your head! Where will the conference be held? Who will sponsor it? What will the budget be? Who will be invited? Will there be a chief guest? And so on! Organizing and conducting a conference is not a simple task. However, with a lot of planning, a little bit of hard work, and the right people, you can easily plan a successful conference! From companies to colleges, NGOs to start-up ventures, conferences are vital for all forms of organization. How to plan a successful conference?  Give yourself sufficient time to plan the conference (Last-minute planning is never a good idea!).  Decide on the subject matter and theme of your conference. Set a target audience depending on the above. Set the budget for the conference and start looking for sponsors. Assign a team to plan and manage the conference. Choose your speakers and topics of discussion carefully. Decide on a venue and date for the conference. Arrange vendors to supply the relevant materials. Conduct the conference! Conference planning can be quite stressful. Are you looking for a conference planning template to make your job easier? Well, your search is over! Stackby has created a state-of-the-art Conference Planning Template just for you! This template will allow you to monitor every aspect of your conference and prevent you from overlooking any detail, big or small. With Stackby’s Conference Plan Template, you will be able to: Plan your entire event from a single platform! Record the sequence of events for each conference and the corresponding venue. Add images of the venue to the template for future reference.  Store the seating capacity of the particular venue.  Record the date, time, and duration of each event of the conference. Track the speaker assigned to each event and the corresponding topic of discussion. Add contact details and headshots of each speaker to your conference plan template. Record details of companies sponsoring your event. Add details of the contact person from each company to avoid any communication gap. Record the amount sponsored by each company and the current status of the sponsorship (Approached/ Committed/ Received). Track the members of the team responsible for organizing and conducting the conference. Store contact details of the members and their current designation. Keep track of the budget for your conference. Monitor the amount spent on each task and the corresponding budget assigned to it. This will help you check if you are overshooting the budget. Record the list of topics that will be discussed at the conference and add notes, if necessary. Track and update the details as and when necessary. Whether it’s the venue or the budget, sponsors of the speakers, Stackby’s Conference Planning Template is a one-stop solution to all your problems. Collaborate with your team to organize a successful conference with our easy-to-use conference planning template!Checkout related Templates : Business Development CRM Customer Development Personal CRM Event Planning 
Simple Applicant Tracker Template By Stackby Templates

Simple Applicant Tracker

Are you still using a spreadsheet instead of a simple applicant tracking template for managing the recruitment process? It is time to make the switch! Using Stackby a no code spreadsheets alternatives for applicant tracking results in redundant data, manual data handling, higher chances of errors, and a lot of chaos. An applicant tracker, on the other hand, can make things smoother for your whole team. Stackby’s applicant tracking template provides you with a database for managing applicant data. You can connect this template with an applicant tracking form and automatically collect and organize data. What is an Applicant Tracking System? Companies today consider multiple different candidates for a position. So, they need a system to manage and track the data related to these candidates. Moreover, if they are hiring for different positions, they will have to keep a track of every candidate applying for every open position. A simple applicant tracking system helps you manage the applicant data such as their resumes, interview details, rankings, personal details, and so on in a streamlined manner. This not only organizes the hiring process but also makes the process much easier, simpler, and faster. Overview of Stackby’s ATS Template To help HR professionals manage the applicant tracking, we have created a simple applicant tracking template that stores and manages all the data about the applicants. 1. Manage Applicant Data and Interviewer Details Together  Add details of applicants like their name, resume, interview notes, contact, etc. all in one place. C??heck how many candidates are being interviewed by each interviewer, on which date they conducted the interviews, and what is the status of the interviews. You can find who is interviewing which candidate easily. 2. Find The Status of Open Job Profiles Store all the details about the open job profiles in your organization and track which interviewer is responsible for which job profile. You can also find how many applicants have currently applied for a specific position. 3. Collect applicant data automatically using Applicant Tracking Form Our Candidate Tracking Template includes an Applicant Tracking Form that you can send to the candidates to gather their basic information that is to be filled in the Applicants table. Once a candidate submits the form, it will create a row in the Applicants table automatically and add all the data in the respective columns. This way, you do not need to add data manually in the applicant tracking log template. This reduces the chances of human errors. Read more: Stackby forms 4. Filter applicants by Status/ Scores Our ATS Template also includes a Kanban View of candidates based on their Status (hired, rejected, 1st round passed, kept on back-burner, etc). This can help HR to visualize how many candidates have been rejected/accepted, etc. It also includes a Kanban View where you can filter out candidates based on the scores that their interviewers gave to them. This can help in deciding which candidates are to be selected and which are to be rejected. 5. Stay on top of your recruitment schedule with Interview Calendar Our Applicant Tracking Template includes an Interview Calendar that will provide you with an overview of interviews lined up for the week/month/day. Who Can Use an Applicant Tracker Template? Our simple applicant tracking template can be used by the Human Resources department, HR Managers, Staffing Coordinators, Staffing Specialists, HR Assistants, HR Administrators, Entrepreneurs, Small business owners, etc. Why Do We Need ATS Templates? In today’s fast-moving world, companies use an applicant tracking system to identify, evaluate and hire the best employees for themselves. Those who still hold back from adopting this system usually fall short of achieving their desired results. An effective recruitment process is said to be in place when the company can engage with the top talent and hire the best. Digitizing and managing the information of all the candidates in a specific platform in the initial stages of the screening is one of the many things that an applicant tracker system does in no time. Here are some of the advantages of using a simple candidate application tracking system: 1. Reduces time to hire. The job application tracker spreadsheet will increase the speed of your selection process, as it reduces the time you would have to spend on administrative tasks. Manually managing the listing and bookkeeping takes an ample amount of time. 2. Improves hiring quality. The quality of hiring becomes better after using a simple applicant tracker template. For instance, automated matching of the specific skills and requirements would only allow the best candidates to compete. 3. Speeds up the recruitment cycle. Having all the information and credentials in front of the recruiter will make his work easier tenfold. Since the information is properly organized in one space, Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking make the recruitment process faster. 4. Provides better screening. It is often a tiring task for the recruiter if he or she does everything manually, and can be quite overwhelming. This can be solved easily as the job application tracker spreadsheet does the automated screening of applications by using various algorithms. How to Customize Stackby’s Applicant Tracking Software for Your Business? Once you copy this simple applicant tracking template to your Stackby Workspace , you can: Add/ update the tables given in the template. Start with finalizing the columns you need to track the Applicant information and then update the applicant tracking form. Enter the details of the interviewers and create an interview schedule. Add the details of the open profiles in your organization. Find out which interviewer is conducting interviews for which job profile and more! Find your new, perfect employee with Stackby’s ATS Hiring candidates and growing your company/business can be an exciting job. Do not make it cumbersome by depending on spreadsheets . Use our applicant tracking system template and find the best employees who suit your organization’s ethics and work culture. Check out this step-by-step video on how to build an applicant tracking system for your company. Find more templates on HR and Recruiting on Stackby: Employee Onboarding Template Employee Training Plan Template Recruiting Pipeline Template HR Knowledge Base Template Agency Talent Management Template  
Sales CRM Template By Stackby Templates

Sales CRM

Are you struggling to keep track of your sales management tasks and customer relationships? Do you find it challenging to manage all your sales interactions and opportunities? If yes, look no further than Stackby's Sales CRM Template! This template is a game-changer for businesses looking to effortlessly keep current customers happy while attracting new leads in a breeze.  What is Customer Relationship Management or CRM? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy that involves managing customer interactions and relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Its main goal is to improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and drive revenue growth by providing personalized and consistent experiences. What is Sales Management? Sales management refers to the process of leading, organizing, and directing a team of sales professionals to meet or exceed the sales targets of a business.  Why is Sales CRM Important for Your Business? A solid sales management or CRM strategy is a must-have for any small business that wants to thrive and expand right from the get-go. Below are the key reasons to consider:  Improves customer relationships and loyalty by providing personalized experiences. Increases efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and workflows. Helps identify and prioritize high-value sales opportunities. Provides real-time insights into sales performance and trends. And a lot more.  Digging into Details About Stackby's Sales CRM Template Stackby's Sales CRM Template is an effective tool designed to help businesses seeking to streamline their sales and customer relationship management processes. With its aid, you can manage your company's sales pipeline, keep track of opportunities, and track interactions with potential customers. The best part about this template is that it provides a spreadsheet-style interface that allows you to store and organize all your data in one place, making it easier to manage and monitor your sales activities. Who is This Sales CRM Template for? Stackby's Sales CRM Template is perfect for small businesses and startups who want to manage their sales process effectively. Whether you're just starting or have been in business for years, it can help you streamline your sales management processes and boost your overall sales and revenue. Why Do You Need Stackby's Sales CRM Template? Get organized and stay on top of your sales game with this Sales CRM template! Keep track of all your company dealings in one place - no more scattered information! Store essential company details like industry type, employee strength, and website information. Maintain up-to-date records of all your contacts within these companies. Record contact details, including titles and relevant information. Effortlessly monitor tasks for each company, keep everyone on the same page, and ensure timely completion by adding task notes to keep your team on track. Link tables together to create a Sales KPI tracker specifically designed to monitor and measure the performance of your sales representatives. Assign team leaders for each task for more effective task management. Stay on top of your sales deals and their status (Won/Lost/Negotiating). Update your CRM data regularly for a more accurate and effective system. How to Use This Sales CRM Template? If you have multiple products to keep track of, you may find our Multi Product CRM template useful. If you are focusing on managing strategic partnerships, all you need is to opt for our Business Development CRM template.   For those seeking to manage their personal contacts, the Personal CRM template is an excellent option to consider. Ways to Customize Our Sales CRM Template After copying this template to your Stackby Workspace, you can customize it per your requirements. Let's see how: Add custom fields to capture specific information relevant to your business needs. Create new tables, such as product or lead tables, to expand the functionality of your Sales CRM Template. Utilize filters and views to narrow down and focus on specific data subsets within your CRM. Streamline your workflow by incorporating automation features into your Sales CRM Template. Seamlessly integrate with popular third-party tools like Zapier, Slack, Trello, etc. Tables Included in Our Sales CRM Template Opportunities: It allows you to track the potential deals that your company is currently pursuing. Interactions: This table lets you keep a tab of all the interactions you have with your customers, whether it's through phone calls, emails, or meetings. Companies: It enables you to maintain a comprehensive database of all the companies that you deal with. Contacts: With its aid, you can manage all your contacts in one place. By linking these tables together using Link Column types, you can create relationships and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for your sales CRM. For example, you can link interactions to specific opportunities or contacts, track the number of interactions per opportunity, or measure the conversion rate from opportunities to closed deals. It enables you to generate meaningful insights, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and generate reports that provide a holistic view of your sales operations and performance. You can also add or import tables depending on your unique requirements. This flexibility allows you to customize the template to suit your business needs and ensure you have all the information you need at your fingertips. Ready to Simplify Your Sales Management Tasks and Customer Relationships? With Stackby's Sales CRM Template, you can manage your sales pipeline and customer relationships more effectively, boosting overall sales and revenue.Try it out today by signing up on Stackby and experience a flawless sales management experience!Check out more related Templates : Business Development CRM Dealflow CRM Fundrasing CRM Customer Development Lightweight CRM Personal CRM 
Use Stackby blog editorial calendar template for effective blogging strategies Templates

Blog Editorial Calendar

From small business owners, new start-up ventures to established multinational companies, everyone dedicates a significant portion of their time and resources towards blogging. While new forms of online marketing are taking the digital world by storm, blogging continues to be one of the most trusted and widely used methods. In simple terms, a blog is an online journal or an informal article that gives detailed information on a particular topic or product. Why do companies spend time and money blogging about their products or services? Companies resort to a multitude of strategies to increase their presence and visibility on the world wide web. Blogging is one of them. So, how does blogging help a business grow? Increases the credibility of a company by acting as a source of relevant and authentic information. Plays a crucial role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The keywords used in your blog articles lead to high rankings in search engines like Google. Increases the demand for your product/ service by attracting potential customers. Contributes to enhancing brand loyalty and customer retention. Directs and increases traffic to your website. Benefits the company in the long term too as it is a permanent source of information. Keeping your blog content updated helps the customers follow the work of your company and, in turn, leads to better customer relationships. With social media marketing capturing most of the attention, it’s easy to forget about the impact of blogging. But blogs are the base that provides a strong foundation for the entire marketing strategy. This is where a blog editorial calendar template comes in handy. Are you a freelancer with an interest in writing blogs or a copywriter in an established company providing content writing services? Regardless of the category you fall in, creating content that meets your client’s expectations is your primary responsibility. So, what do you do if you have too many clients asking you to write multiple blogs for them? Having a hard time keeping track of everything? Well, don’t worry! With Stackby’s Blog Editorial Calendar Template, you can plan everything on a single interface! Our Blog Editorial Calendar Template will enable you to: Plan and manage your content writing work for multiple clients in one place. Keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule and deadlines with the in-built calendar in the blog editorial template. Monitor the blogs you and your team are currently working on and the level of difficulty of each. Record the average CPC of each article. Attach the graphics associated with each blog post and store the name of the designer. Attach the target persona of each article to ensure that the blog content meets the expectation of the client.With Stackby’s Blog Editorial Calendar Template, you can plan and optimize your content writing strategy with minimum effort and reap the maximum benefit! Combine it with automated keyword research template & content marketing distribution template, to take your content marketing workflows to the next level.   Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender Social Media Calendar Restaurant Social Marketing Calendar Competitor Analysis   
Marketing Campaign Tracker Template By Stackby Templates

Marketing Campaign Tracker

Innovative, creative and eye-catching marketing campaigns are one of the key drivers of success for any venture. From social media marketing to interactive surveys, live videos to online advertisements, an effective and well-planned campaign management plan can change the face of your business overnight! And the easiest way to manage your campaigns is by using a marketing campaign tracker template. What are the key essentials for any marketing campaign management plan? Set a goal for your marketing campaign. Decide on your target audience. Set a budget for your campaign planning strategy. Decide on a platform/channel. Organize your team and divide the work. Determine the content. Track your marketing campaigns diligently. This will help you analyze whether a particular strategy from your campaign management plan is working for you. Respond and Improve. Customer testimonials are first-hand inputs that will determine how your campaign planning strategy is being received by the target audience. Update the same when the need arises. What is a Marketing Campaign Tracker Template? A marketing campaign tracker template is a pre-formatted document that helps you to keep track of multiple aspects of your campaigns in an easier and accessible manner. This template is customizable and can be tailored to suit your requirement. Why do you need a Marketing Campaign Tracker Template? Whether you are campaigning to attract new customers, increase your sales, advertise a new offer or improve brand loyalty, a marketing campaign requires meticulous campaign planning and execution. A marketing campaign tracker template is the answer to all your problems! A marketing campaign tracker template is a one-stop solution that keeps track of all your campaign planning work and helps you hit all the benchmarks to ensure that your marketing gets results. Here at Stackby , we will assist you in launching your marketing campaign with our well planned and time-tested marketing campaign tracker template. Who is marketing campaign tracker template for? This template is ideally suited for marketers, SEO agencies, startups and SMEs. The campaign tracker template has immense utility potential for all sectors that perform marketing related activities. How will Stackby’s Marketing Campaign Tracker Template help you? You can set campaign goals, assign campaign leaders and divide your campaigns among various platforms. Our campaign management template will make your job easier by allowing you to: Track the status of each of your marketing campaigns separately. Check the amount spent on each campaign till date to make sure you do not overshoot your budget. Keep track of the number of clicks. Keep track of the number of conversions and conversion rates. It assigns a conversion status to each campaign. You can decide which platform and strategy are bringing the best results for your company. Calculate your average CPA. Set a start and end date for your marketing campaign. Monitor and update your ad campaign management plan as and when required. You can switch to the Kanban or calendar mode to get a better overview of your campaign plan and deadlines. Use Stackby’s Marketing Campaign Tracking Template to plan, manage, and enrich your marketing campaign management experience like never before!You may also find these Templates useful: Ad Campaign PlanningFacebook Ad Campaign Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender Social Media Calendar 
Deal-flow Management Template by Stackby Templates

Deal-flow Management

Whether you are an Angel Investor, an Investment Banker, or run a Venture Capital Fund, a significant portion of your time is spent negotiating and finalizing deals with startup companies. The success of your company depends on the deals you make with different firms and organizations. Proper tracking and management of such deals are essential to ensure the highest possible return. This is accomplished via deal flow management. Efficient and effective deal flow management will ensure that you don’t miss out on the best possible investment opportunities. It allows you to keep an eye out for the most profitable deals heading your way! Stackby’s Deal-flow management template can make the process all the more easier for you.  Are you looking for a tool to manage your deal flow? You’ve come to the right place. Stackby has created a template exclusively for this purpose. With our Deal-flow Management Template, you can record and track your deal’s details on a single interface. How can you use deal flow management template for your organization? The Deal-flow management template will allow you to: Bring information via pitch forms - startup name, description, URL, categories, pitch deck attachments and more.  Record the source of a particular deal for future reference. Track the current status of the deal. You can select from the options given, including Portfolio, Due-Diligence, Negotiation, On-Hold, etc. Keep an eye on the closing date of each deal. You can also assign a deal manager to make the process simpler and easier. Attach any documents related to the deals to the template itself for easy access. The template also allows you to view the deals by their action or current status. It has an inbuilt calendar that tracks the closing of each deal. The separate tab for sources allows you to list and summarize all the sources for your deals.  Add any custom fields to record particular details of any startup.  Record the contact details - phone number, email ID of the startup representatives and their current job title in the company. Monitor and update the details as and when required. To make your job easier, the deal-flow management template comes attached with a standard Startup pitch form that can be used by your company while negotiating with them.  Quality deal flow management can be the key factor that drives the success of your company. With our custom-made deal flow management template, you can scale your startup investments and focus on what you do best - investing in future unicorns! Check out related Template Idea Tracking Corporate M&A Tracking Dealflow CRM