Running a company involves much more than just earning profits! To keep the company or facility running, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the facility and pay heed to all the requirements of the employees. This involves a good level of forethought, maintenance, and management activities, and that’s where our Facilities Planning Template comes in handy.
Facilities-related requirements vary according to the nature of your company, and They may range from various electronic equipment to simple furniture like tables, chairs, computer desks, and so on. Some common maintenance requirements usually include washroom maintenance, restocking papers for the printer, or just simply making sure the coffee machine is in working order.
A company may have many maintenance requests and facility planning across departments, and it can prove to be quite hectic to manage them all using different platforms. All these activities may become a lot to tackle, if managed separately. The person or the team that has to oversee all the facility maintenance requests from different departments can get a bit overwhelmed, to say the least.
A facility planning template helps you to manage all this information in one place and provides you with the opportunity to tackle all the maintenance requests from a single location.
With the facility planning template created by Stackby, you can schedule maintenance requests, keep track of your facilities budget, send out updates on maintenance requests to your employees, all from one place. You can even add a picture of the item that has been requested for maintenance or servicing.
The facilities planning template lets you add data such as item name, item type, location, cost of maintenance, the status of maintenance etc.. You can also add more columns if required.
The Facilities Planning template is easily customizable, and you can add the data in a systematic category and search accordingly.
Now, plan your facility efficiently and effectively at one place and manage your budget along with it without being daunted by the immense amount of work. Divert your attention to managing the company and save time on tackling maintenance activities with the Facilities Planning Template